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Emperor of Dara Happa, literally Ern Azali baka est ja, the Namer of Life and Death is the earthly representative of the Sun God Yelm.

Emperor's role in the history of Dara Happa[]

Khordavu Dynasty[]

  • The Emperor was a living god, the leader of the Empire, the High Priest of Yelm and the Bearer of Antirius.
  • To be an Emperor, a candidate must be descended from a God or another Emperor within four generations and have passed the Ten Tests.

Erzanestyu Dynasty[]

  • The Emperor was no longer considered to be a God in a repudiation of the Nysaloran ideas of the Bright Empire.
  • After repeated clashes with the Nobility, the Emperors began to devolve their powers and authorities to the Commoners, becoming a ceremonial ruler.
  • This was later blamed for causing the Empire's fall to Umbarism.

Denesiod Dynasty[]

  • In a reaction against the practices of the previous dynasty, the Emperor became a political leader rather than a religious leader.
  • He did not lead the sacrifices.

Karvanyar Dynasty[]

  • In Karvanyar, the Emperor was a heroic ruler.
  • After a Carmanian regency, a purification of the Empire from supposed Carmanian ideas took place.
  • In particular, the Emperor became a magical and non-political figure in charge of wielding the power of Yelm.
  • A major change in eligibility took place with establishment of the Eleventh Test which allowed previously ineligible candidates to become Emperor.

Carmanian Dynasty[]

  • After the Carmanian conquest, the Emperors were Carmanians in line to succeed the Shah.
  • After Bisodakar, a native Dara Happan was appointed as Emperor.

New Solar Dynasty and Lunar Empire[]

  • After a short-lived Dara Happan restoration, TakenEgi and his lunar successors have been Emperor of Dara Happa since.

List of Emperors[]

Below is mainly based on the Fortunate Succession, the list of the Emperors of Dara Happa:

Yelm Dynasty100110years
NoNameSolar TimeYelmic
1Yelm -110999 ST -11000 ST 1 YS 100000 YS
2Murharzarm -51000 ST -11000 ST 60000 YS 100000 YS
3Khorventos -10999 ST -10890 ST 100001 YS 100110 YS
Ovosto Dynasty 61years
NoNameSolar TimeYelmic
4Ovosto -10889 ST -10859 ST 100111 YS 100141 YS
5Orogoros -10859 ST -10852 ST 100141 YS 100148 YS
6Oravinos -10851 ST -10828 ST 100149 YS 100172 YS
Anaxial Dynasty 9911years
NoNameSolar TimeYelmic
7Anaxial -10799 ST -7785 ST 100201 YS 103215 YS
8Lukarius -7784 ST -5318 ST 103216 YS 105682 YS
9Urvairinus -5317 ST -3408 ST 105683 YS 107592 YS
10Kestinoros -3407 ST -2324 ST 107593 YS 108676 YS
11Manarlavus -2323 ST -1601 ST 108677 YS 109399 YS
12Vanyoramet -1600 ST -1240 ST 109400 YS 109760 YS
13Manimat -1239 ST -888 ST 109761 YS 110112 YS
Empty Emperor 553years
NoNameSolar TimeYelmic
 Kazkurtum -888 ST -335 ST 110112 YS 110665 YS
Jenarong Dynasty 421years
NoNameSolar TimeYelmic
14Jenarong -200 ST -100 ST 110800 YS 110900 YS
15Gerruskoger -7 ST 18 ST 110993 YS 111018 YS
16Vuranostum 35 ST 72 ST 111035 YS 111072 YS
17Huradabba 96 ST 111 ST 111096 YS 111111 YS
18Dardaggus 112 ST 121 ST 111112 YS 111121 YS
19Kerunebbe 125 ST 136 ST 111125 YS 111136 YS
20Dagguneri 137 ST 145 ST 111137 YS 111145 YS
21Kestinendos 155 ST 172 ST 111155 YS 111172 YS
22Illadarga 175 ST 185 ST 111175 YS 111185 YS
23Viramakradda 186 ST 193 ST 111186 YS 111193 YS
24Eusibus 194 ST 215 ST 111194 YS 111215 YS
25Harkaztem 216 ST 221 ST 111216 YS 111221 YS
Khordavu Dynasty 230years
NoNameSolar TimeYelmic
26Khordavu 221 ST 247 ST 111221 YS 111247 YS
27Anirmesha 248 ST 268 ST 111248 YS 111268 YS
 Wanthanelm 269 ST 278 ST 111269 YS 111278 YS
28Anirdavu 279 ST 306 ST 111279 YS 111306 YS
29Erraibdavu 307 ST 333 ST 111307 YS 111333 YS
30Mahzanelm 332 ST 345 ST 111332 YS 111345 YS
31Erzanelm 346 ST 367 ST 111346 YS 111367 YS
32Khorzanelm the Magnificent 368 ST 405 ST 111368 YS 111405 YS
33Radaidavu 406 ST 422 ST 111406 YS 111422 YS
34Anirestyu 423 ST 451 ST 111423 YS 111451 YS
Army of Orlanth and Wise Advisor35years
NoNameSolar TimeYelmic
 Ordanestyu 459 ST 484 ST 111459 YS 111484 YS
Erzanestyu Dynasty 205years
NoNameSolar TimeYelmic
35Erzanestyu 484 ST 492 ST 111484 YS 111492 YS
36Anirinelm 493 ST 514 ST 111493 YS 111514 YS
37Raibmesha 515 ST 522 ST 111515 YS 111522 YS
38Elmharsnik 523 ST 538 ST 111523 YS 111538 YS
39Sothenik 539 ST 561 ST 111539 YS 111561 YS
40Helemshal 562 ST 577 ST 111562 YS 111577 YS
41Vorandevu 578 ST 613 ST 111578 YS 111613 YS
42Fenaldavu 614 ST 621 ST 111614 YS 111621 YS
43Asvekhordevu 621 ST 643 ST 111621 YS 111643 YS
44Desikselm 643 ST 658 ST 111643 YS 111658 YS
45Desikanir 659 ST 677 ST 111659 YS 111677 YS
 Verendekelm 677 ST 689 ST 111677 YS 111689 YS
Denesiod Dynasty 188years
NoNameSolar TimeYelmic
46Denesiod 690 ST 718 ST 111690 YS 111718 YS
47Elmesiod 718 ST 740 ST 111718 YS 111740 YS
48Dismesiod 740 ST 760 ST 111740 YS 111760 YS
49Elmexdros 760 ST 780 ST 111760 YS 111780 YS
50Dismexdros 780 ST 800 ST 111780 YS 111800 YS
51Karmexdros 800 ST 820 ST 111800 YS 111820 YS
52Elmatryan 820 ST 835 ST 111820 YS 111835 YS
53Dismatryan 835 ST 850 ST 111835 YS 111850 YS
54Ulikarelm 850 ST 866 ST 111850 YS 111866 YS
55Dismanthuyar 866 ST 878 ST 111866 YS 111878 YS
EWF 32years
NoNameSolar TimeYelmic
 Sun Dragon 878 ST 910 ST 111878 YS 111910 YS
Karvanyar Dynasty 263years
NoNameSolar TimeYelmic
56Karvanyar 910 ST 945 ST 111910 YS 111945 YS
57Sarenesh 946 ST 960 ST 111946 YS 111960 YS
58Heredesh 960 ST 975 ST 111960 YS 111975 YS
59Karsdevan 975 ST 995 ST 111975 YS 111995 YS
60Karsdevesus 995 ST 1038 ST 111995 YS 112038 YS
61Kewetdesh 1038 ST 1065 ST 112038 YS 112065 YS
62Kewetdevsus 1065 ST 1077 ST 112065 YS 112077 YS
63Kumardesh 1077 ST 1080 ST 112077 YS 112080 YS
64Khorviramaka 1089 ST 1096 ST 112089 YS 112096 YS
65Kumarstyu 1096 ST 1110 ST 112096 YS 112110 YS
66Kumardros 1110 ST 1120 ST 112110 YS 112120 YS
67Alenvus 1125 ST 1153 ST 112125 YS 112153 YS
68Khorkestinus 1153 ST 1156 ST 112153 YS 112156 YS
69Kumardroni 1156 ST 1161 ST 112156 YS 112161 YS
70Kewetdroni 1161 ST 1168 ST 112161 YS 112168 YS
71Vinyartyu 1168 ST 1173 ST 112168 YS 112173 YS
Carmanian Dynasty 35years
NoNameSolar TimeYelmic
72Bisoshan 1185 ST 1207 ST 112185 YS 112207 YS
73Endarkus 1185 ST 1205 ST 112185 YS 112205 YS
74Bisodakar 1207 ST 1220 ST 112207 YS 112220 YS
New Solar Dynasty 30years
NoNameSolar TimeYelmic
75Spengatha 1220 ST 1235 ST 112220 YS 112235 YS
76Yelmgatha 1235 ST 1250 ST 112235 YS 112250 YS
The Red Emperor201years
NoNameSolar TimeYelmic
77TakenEgi 1248 ST 1449 ST 112248 YS 112449 YS
Celestial Empire 70years
NoNameSolar TimeYelmic
 Sheng Seleris 1390 ST 1460 ST 112390 YS 112460 YS
Mask of the Red Emperor 161years
NoNameSolar TimeYelmic
77Magnificus 1460 ST 1506 ST 112460 YS 112506 YS
77Artifex 1506 ST 1522 ST 112506 YS 112522 YS
77Voracius 1522 ST 1529 ST 112522 YS 112529 YS
77Venerabilis 1529 ST 1546 ST 112529 YS 112546 YS
77Robustus 1546 ST 1558 ST 112546 YS 112558 YS
77Celestinus 1558 ST 1574 ST 112558 YS 112574 YS
77Militaris 1574 ST 1586 ST 112574 YS 112586 YS
77Reclusus 1586 ST 1599 ST 112586 YS 112599 YS
77Ignifer 1599 ST 1607 ST 112599 YS 112607 YS
77Argenteus 1607 ST 1628 ST 112607 YS 112628 YS
77Phargentes 1638 ST   112607 YS  

