Earth Season is the equivalent of Autumn in Orlanthi Calendar.
Eastern Isles[]
- The Doldrums move from east to west along the southern coast.
- The winds blow northwards early in the season and southwards later.
- The dry Storm Bull Winds blow northwards and southwards, occassionally eastwards into Kralorela.
Dragon Pass[]
- No wind blows in Dragon Pass and surrouding lands.
- The Sartarites call this Ernalda's Wind.
- The Rice Harvest Festival takes place in Taksatar.
- The North Run takes seven days to sail between Jrustela and Teshnos under special conditions.
- Reduced sailing takes eleven days to sail from Teshnos to Haragala.
- Reduced sailing takes nine days to sail from Teshnos to Teleos late in the season.
- It takes six days to sail from Teleos to Flanch.
- It takes three days to sail from Flanch and Elamle.
- It takes four days to sail from Elamle to Fonrit.
- It takes four days to sail from Fonrit to Kumanku.
- It takes six days to sail from Kumanku to Jrustela.
- High Winds blow southwards west of the Eastern Isles at the seasons end.
Sshorg Sea[]
- Haragalan ships sail between Flanch and the Eastern Isle of Desolo.