The Daughter Goddess
- Also known as DenegEria by the Pelandans, meaning "Life Woman"(?) from Deneg Life? and Eria Woman.
- Valare Addi translated her name as the Daughter of Life
- She is loved by everyone.
- She has many parents
- The Pelandans say that her father is Turos and her mother Oria
- In the Wendarian Era, her mother was EthElsor and her father VogMaradan
- She is the equivalent of Voria
- She was kidnapped by GanEstoro which brought misery to the whole world.
- She was rescued by Yelm or, according to the Pelandans, VenegDel
- Said by Ordanestyu to be one of the Twelve Executors
- Also said by him to be a daughter of Lodril and Oria
- She is on the Gods Wall at III-3 where she is depicted as holding a snake and a sheaf of flowers.