The first Dragon Emperor of Kralorela
- He was a Sage who achieved union with the Void
- He returned to share his wisdom with those that needed it.
- Upon doing so, the High Gods proclaimed him the Dragon of Being.
- His mere approach caused Sekever's army to flee.
- He created the Suam Chow and the Unfathomable Palace at its edge.
- He populated the palace(?) with Righteous People
- He taught others how to become Dragons
- He created the Well of Rising Dragons in Puchai
- He spoke through a thought that sat on a throne of fire.
- When his replacement, Thalurzni, was ready, he was surrounded by the Circles of Infinite Power and committed Utuma
- The Mover of Heaven then when to Summer Land Heaven
- He resides in the Yellow Planet.
- He is depicted as a human with the head, tails and wings of a dragon, carrying the Imperial Regalia.
Sources: Revealed Mythologies, Pavis: Gateway to Adventure, Guide to Glorantha, Cults of Runequest: The Prosopaedia