The "foremost tribe" of Sartar.
- Their founder is the grandfather Culbri.
- They lost two clans against Telmori.
- After Starbrow's Revolt, they lost three clans to Aranwyth and Cinsina
- In 1615 ST, they lost a war and another clan to Aranwyth.
- It contains:
- The Culbri Clan
- The Elkenvale Clan
- The Barlamani Clan
- The Fox Clan
- The Horned Owl Clan
- The Lorthing Clan
- The Mathiording Clan
- The Jotoring Clan (also known as the Two-Pine Clan)
- The Orlamani Clan
- Their last king was Hofstaring Treeleaper.
- Their current king is Ranulf the Good, also known as Turntail.
- Their tribal champion is Erngular Ironfisted.
- Its tribal center is the Fox Hollow in the Lorthing Vale.
- They are culturally Old Hendriki
- Their population is 6,000
- Their main deity is Orlanth
- They contest the Disputed Lands with the Cinsina, Wolfrunners and Wulfsland
Sources: King of Sartar, Wyrms Footnotes #15, Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes, RuneQuest Starter Set