Glorantha Wiki

Count of Sun County

  • Three counts are listed with this name on the Light List
  • Since the reigns of these counts spans a total of 15 years over a 23 year period, the suspicion is that they are the same person.
  • If so, Tol first became Count in 1509 ST. He is noted as being a peasant and using his fingers to read.
  • He then retired in 1512 ST and was quickly succeeded by Dadelin as the latter became Count in the same year.
  • When Dadelin died or retired in 1515 ST, there appears to have been a lengthy interregnum for Tol does not become Count again until the next year. Presumably a lack of suitable candidates persuaded Tol to come out of retirement.
  • Tol is then noted as the Just for angering many gold wielders. Since his predecessor is one Banashi Gold, it seems likely that he was deposed in 1519 ST and sent into retirement.
  • After his successor died, Tol was once again called out of retirement and becoming Count in 1525 ST. He becomes known as the Generous as a result of his rule.
  • He was murdered by rivals, almost certainly the sons of Banashi, in 1532 ST.

Sources: Pavis: Gateway to Adventure, Pavis: Threshold to Danger
