A Sartarite tribe
- They are culturally Old Hendriki
- They number 15,500
- Also known as the Proud Tribe
Places of Interest[]
- Apple Lane
- Clearwine Fort - the tribal center
- Colymar Wilds
- Greenstone Temple
- Nymie Valley
- Runegate
- Tarndisi's Grove
Its clans[]
- At first it was a single clan that developed into a tribe with five clans:
- In 1621 ST it numbers thirteen clans, down three from Starbrow's Revolt:
- Its current king is Kangharl "Blackmor" Kagradusson.
- Beti Leika is the much-beloved former queen.
- She left the tribe when Blackmor took over with the help of Lunars.
- This is the origin of the Colymar Kinstrife
- Chief Colymar first settled the land circa 1315 ST.
- The tribe grew in power by winning the Taral War and the Zarran War, absorbing several clans.
- They joined Sartar but refused to build their own city.
- They participated into the Starbrow's Revolt and lost three clans as result.
- Currently, a Lunar sympathizer drove out the former queen. Which spread great discontent among the people.