One of the Jonstown Tribes.
- Known as the Brave Tribe and the Wolfslayers
- They inhabit the valleys of the Boranini and Upper Lorthing Rivers
- The tribal seat is Red Cow Fort
- The Dangerford Road runs through their lands.
- Jonstown lies in their territories but is goverened by the Jonstown City Ring
- Other settlements are: Red Cow Fort, Greenhaft, Goodhaven and Famous Bell
- They are renowned for producing red-oxhides to cover the sacred chariots
- The current queen is Ivartha the Skinner
- Ivar Quickstep is chieftain of the Dolutha Clan
- The tribal council meets at Raven's Ait
- They are suspicious of the Lunar Empire.
- The tribal clans include the:
- They are noted for their strong worship of Barntar
- They worship Heler as a manifestation of Orlanth
- They number 11,000 people
- They suffered from the Telmori raids around 1460 ST.
- They joined the Jonstown Tribes in 1480 ST
- They gained three clans after Starbrow's Revolt
- They are Axe Orlanthi
- They contest the Disputed Lands with the Culbrea, Wolfrunners and Wulfsland
- Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes
- Wyrms Footnotes #15
- RuneQuest Starter Ser