The Volcano Twins
- They represent volcanic fertility and harmony.
- Their runes are Life, Earth, Fire and Harmony
- Twins and Diamonds are sacred to them.
- They burn earthblood (oil) in their lamps.
- They are the children of Veskarthen and Gata
- Caladra was tended by the Dwarves
- Aurelion was taught by Asrelia
- They tried unsuccessfully to free their father from Argan Argar
- They gave their followers Earthblood, Firebone (coal) and Diamond to survive the Great Darkness
- The cult was created by the God Learners
- It is still important in Caladraland and parts of Maniria
- Caladra is depicted as a fiery orange-skinned woman.
- Aurelion is depicted as a handsome black-skinned man.
Source: Guide to Glorantha