A demonic remnant of Wakboth the Devil.
- He is now mainly worshiped by Ogres who are intimately connected to him.
- When summoned, he embodies himself as demonic incarnations called Fiends.
- His Runes are Chaos, Death and Disorder.
- During the Great Darkness, some people participated in his rituals, eating man flesh, and became the first Ogres.
- Together they ruled a wide area of Genertela in the Great Darkness.
- Trolls, aided by Waha in Prax and other heroes elsewhere, suppressed the ogres and drove Cacodemon off.
- Worship involves the sacrifice of sentient beings to Cacodemon.
- The Cacodemon sends his Fiends to consume the offered soul.
- Cacodemon has holy places in Snakepipe Hollow in Dragon Pass and on Ogre Island in the Big Rubble.
- These places can cause an ogre's bestial nature to reveal themselves
- His worshippers include:
- The Far Shielding Ogres of Sartar
- Gondo Holzt of Elder Wilds
- His magics include the Cacodemon's Cloak of Darkness feat
Sources: Griffin Mountain (Campaign Book), Guide to Glorantha, Eleven Lights, Cults of Runequest: The Prosopaedia, Nomad Gods