Rebellious province in Kralorela.
- It lies on the southern region of Vaska Long.
- Its population is 1,500,000 of which 170,000 live in cities
- 10,000 live on the Seven Bridges within Boshan province excluding the city of Xin Miyoshi
- Half a span of the Bridge of Heaven and Hell
- A span of the Bridge of Light and No Light
- A span and a half of the Bridge of Beautiful Music, Transformative Sex and Jade Thoughts
- Two spans of the Bridge of the Rainbow Way
- Two spans of the Bridge of Liver and Bile and Honey
- Two populations of Hsunchen exist: those of the Danan Valley and the Shoumandi Highlands.
- The Danan Hsunchen number 100,000 of which:
- 50,000 are Damali
- 45,000 are Hsa
- 5,000 are Wind Children
- The Shoumandi Hsunchen number 70,000 of which:
- The clan of Imolo Wen now controls the best establishments in the province for their enrichment.
- There are two known Exarchs
- The Exarch of the South at Lingting
- The Exarch of the Gate at Lungren Men
- The locals can defy the Kralori Emperors due to the Boshan Sacred Time Dance
- Originally home to the Sofali in mythical times.
- It willingly joined the Celestial Empire.
- After Sheng Seleris was killed, the horselords continue to rule Boshan.
- They were defeated by Imolo Wen