A Battle at Runegate during the Conquest of Sartar
Order of Battle[]
- The Red Emperor
- Delecti
- Crimson Bat
- Cavalry.
- Salinarg
- Priests and Healders in Runegate
- The Red Army camped outside Runegate
- They were opposed by the Sartarite Army which presumably had some troops inside the fort as well.
- At Full Moon, Specters haunted the Sartarite Camp
- Corpses from the Upland Marsh tried to storm the walls only to be beaten off with magical fires.
- The next day, the Lunars tried to storm Runegate using the corpses as ramps.
- The Sartarites attempted to intervene but were held off by lunar cavalry.
- That night, the Crimson Bat landed on the town and forced the Sartarites to flee in terror.
- Those that took refuge under the Rune Gate survived.