Glorantha Wiki

Battle fought in 379 ST between the Empire of Light and the remnants of the Unity Council.


The Great Army of Restraint[]

Left Wing, Storm Army[]

Centre, Dorastran Army[]

Right Wing, Dara Happan Army[]

Army of Defense[]

Right Wing, Theyalan Army[]

Centre, Unity Council Army[]

Left Wing, Uz[]


  • The battle went poorly for the Dorastran Army until Daysenerus appeared, breaking the Compromise
  • This caused Gore and Gash to manifest among the Uz
  • The Uz Heroes were driven off by Palangio inflamed with the power of Daysenerus.
  • Kyger Litor herself appeared to devour the new god.
  • Nysalor appeared in response. He was devoured by Kyger Litor and inflicted the Trollkin curse.

