A battle between the Lunar Empire and Sartar in 1625 ST
- Also known as the Freedom Battle by Sartar
- After the Dragonrise, Pharandros seized control of Aldachur
- His army, under the command of Fazzur Wideread moved towards Boldhome
- The Lunar Army was opposed at Dangerford by the Sartarites lead by Kallyr Starbrow
Orders of Battle[]
- No regiments were at full strength.
Lunar Empire[]
Native Corps[]
- Veterans Cavalry 500 Heavy Cavalry.
- Second Furthest Cavalry 500 Heavy Cavalry.
- Third Furthest Cavalry 500 Heavy Cavalry.
- Bagnot Foot 1000 Heavy Infantry.
- Dunstop Foot 1000 Heavy Infantry.
- First Furthest Foot 1000 Heavy Infantry.
- Second Furthest Foot 1000 Heavy Infantry.
- Goldedge Foot 1000 Heavy Infantry.
- Talfort Foot 1000 Heavy Infantry.
Cavalry Corps[]
- Antelope Lancers 500 Heavy Cavalry.
- Bell Temple 500 Heavy Cavalry.
- Char-un 500 Heavy Cavalry.
- Whipstock 500 Heavy Cavalry.
- Arrowstone 500 Heavy Cavalry.
- Goldwave 500 Heavy Cavalry.
- Uplands 500 Heavy Cavalry.
- Queen’s Horse 500 Heavy Cavalry.
- Starkin 500 Light Cavalry.
- Moon Arrow 500 Light Cavalry.
Rebel Forces[]
Sartar City Militia[]
- First Mounted Jonstown 500 Heavy Cavalry
- Second Mounted Jonstown 500 Heavy Cavalry.
- First Mounted Swenstown 500 Heavy Cavalry.
- First Mounted Wilmskirk 500 Heavy Cavalry.
- First Mounted Boldhome 500 Heavy Cavalry.
- Second Mounted Boldhome 500 Heavy Cavalry.
- First Jonstown Foot 1000 Light Infantry.
- Second Jonstown Foot 1000 Light Infantry.
- First Swenstown Foot 1000 Light Infantry.
- First Wilmskirk Foot 1000 Light Infantry.
- First Boldhome Foot 1000 Light Infantry.
- Second Boldhome Foot 1000 Light Infantry.
- First Duck Point 250 Light Infantry (Ducks).
- Second Duck Point 250 Light Infantry (Ducks).
- Third Duck Point 250 Light Infantry (Ducks).
Sartarite Rebel Army[]
- Antlercase
- Headhunters
- Kallyr won the battle, by preventing the Lunars from crossing the river
- Fazzur could have continued the fight.
- He however had received word that the King was purging his supporters.
- He withdrew.
- The Lost Chapter says that Fazzur turned down command.
- This may have been a face-saving legend to avoid Fazzur being remembered as defeated in battle.
- More concerning is that both the Lost Chapter and the Composite History of Dragon Pass claim Moirades was King of Tarsh at the time.