Old capital of Tarsh
- The Orindori Clan has possessions and great influence here.
- Raided in 1440 ST by the Colymar Tribe who obtained the Ivory Throne
- After the Battle of Dancing Sisters the traditionalists fled here where they managed to repel their lunar pursuers in 1490 ST.
- Besieged and taken after the Battle of Grizzly Peak in 1582 ST
- Its population is 3,000
- Sacrifices are still offered at Arim's Temple of the Secret Kingdom
- Moirades had high stone walls built around it.
- Onjur slew the Half-Troll King in single combat outside it walls in 1622 ST
- In 1628 ST, Harrek will defeat Jar-eel here in the Battle of Heroes
- In 1631 ST, it will be sacked again by Sartar
Sources: Guide to Glorantha, King of Sartar, RuneQuest: Glorantha, Glorantha Sourcebook