Glorantha Wiki

A son of Chalana Arroy.

  • His father is thought to be either Orlanth, Issaries, Yelm, Humakt, Ernalda, Hykim among others.
  • He aided his mother in keeping her purity during the Gods War.
  • He tried to heal Flesh Man
  • He aided High King Elf in keeping the last forests alive.
  • Chaos was attracted to his life and every time he tried to heal it his powers broke.
  • His magical power was eaten by Grenfalur the Eater
  • He survived the Gods War by hiding in the Mundane World
  • He doesn't provide any magic to his healers.
  • He is depicted as a bearded man carrying healing plants.
  • He is known as Eron to the Aldryami

Source: Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes, Cults of Runequest: The Prosopaedia
