Dragonslaying foe of the EWF
- Also known as Alakoring Dragonbreaker
- He came from Surkorion, specifically the Ivy Clan of the Horanding Tribe
- He worshipped Orlanth the Law
- He flew over the Nidan Mountains
- He fought in the Three Armies Battle where he killed Drang the Diamond Storm Dragon
- He liberated the Heortlings from EWF
- He was friends with Andrin the Mover
- He attacked Ingolf several times.
- He introduced the laws of Orlanth Rex and the worship of Orvanshagor
- He was slain by an arrow fired by Tobosta Greenbow at what is now Barnborn
- He appeared at the Battle of Castle Blue and killed the Scarlet Warlord.
- He receives worship on Presentation Day.
- He is depicted as a heroic king wearing the Iron Crown and fighting with a Dragon
Sources: King of Sartar, History of the Heortling Peoples, Cults of Runequest: The Prosopaedia