Glorantha Wiki

The creed of the Esvulari

  • They worship the Invisible God as the Crator, the Egg of Wonder and the One
  • It is found mainly in Kethaela
  • They believe the Invisible God to be too remote for direct worship.
  • They worship the Lightbringers to be emanations of the Invisible God
  • Their philosophy focuses on emanantions from God to the Cosmic Court down to the Gods and mortals.
  • The Gods War is seen as part of creation until the Unholy Trio summoned Chaos
  • They believe that when Malkion was expelled from the Kingdom of Logic he founded New Malkonwal in Kethaela.
  • When Malkion was killed, they bemoaned his loss until the Invisible God sent Orlanth.
  • They practice sorcery but also sacrifice to Gods and Spirits.
  • They depict the Invisible God as:
    • an elderly god with thirteen heads (the eight powers and five elements) and four arms.
    • with a crown but no weapons.
    • bearing a measuring stick, a book and a string of eyes.

Sources: History of the Heortling Peoples, Cults of Runequest: The Prosopaedia
