The Holiest Text of the Malkioni.
- Believed by most Malkioni to hold the best compilation of the Thoughts of the Invisible God
- Written by the Will of Malkion
- Its text seemed to have no begining nor end but a structure similar to a spider web.
- It was revealed in Jrustela in 646 ST during the Imperial Age.
- The original Abiding Book was kept at the Holy Mountain of Jrustela.
- It contains 216 chapters which covered many diverse topics, such as rituals, realities and moral law.
- Its style gave rise to several methods of interpretation., each resulting in different textual readings.
- For example, the four castes are specified but the Book is silent on the question of caste mobility.
- Many God Learners became deceived by its protective magic and ending up worshipped a false god Malkioneran using the Shielded Abiding Book
- Pascandal preached against their error.
- Mandavor exposed their falsity in the Book Duel
- Mandarel demonstrated how people had become deluded into worshipped Malkioneran.
- Rokar believed the traditional texts had become corrupted with God Learner lies.
- In purging the text, he created the Sharp Abiding Book.